Friday, January 22, 2010

What is PDP????????


Since now I am studying at master's degree level, I want nothing more than to graduate my master's degree as soon as possible, for I am very looking forward to having a job as a professional science educator at university level....Insyaallah. May Allah bless me and wish my dream come true. Thanks to Allah and hope He may release my next mission; which is to graduate in the year of 2010 become a reality.


I am very dedicated to improving my English communication skills which is a medium of instruction in science education. I wish one day I can speak very fluent in a proper English language, I can write in a professional way of English writing. In terms of teaching career, I am very looking forward to learn more about science in education field; especially in research studies and science process skills studies. I think now I am finally found my passion in science education field; I want to be an expert instructor in science process skills which is I wish that subject would be my expert in my career. I want to dig more knowledge and skills in that field.


My goals for my students are to become self-directed and life-long learners. I want to equip them with important skills like problem solving and critical thinking skill, so they can be capable of performing on their own once they finish their schooling. I want them to be dependent person and able to apply every concept had they learn in daily life. I believe every student has their own competency and that was my responsibility to encourage them to show up their ability.

Physics course was a critical sciences subject. So, my second goal is to changes students’ perception and bad impression about this subject. I will use as much as I can strategies which help me into active learning and teaching in physics lesson. So, my student will enjoy learning physics and understand the concept in easy and interactive way.
Firstly, I’m going to clearly define learning objectives for my courses. Then, I’m going to increase the critical thinking aspects of all of my classes. My students should actively do hands-on and minds-on. They are able to predict, make a hypothesis and analyses their predictions. Besides, I will involve them in incorporate more problem-based learning. They can discuss with their own group and try to find their own idea and solution. This way of learning will help my students improve their mathematical skill and familiar with high cognitive level of questions.

I try my best to apply and use more multimedia or ICT in the classroom. Now, ICT really close to the students. This opportunity gives me advantages to improve my teaching skill. Using multimedia will make my students active in class and they will able to see the simulation in reality situation. Lastly, I hope I can incorporate more research-based pedagogy into my courses and improve my English communication to make it fluency in teaching process.


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